Mambo jambo all,
Firstly I hear you've been having a little bit o' loverly weather so I guess I can't do to much boasting about that side of things but anyway. So I have spent the last week or two on beaches in Kenya and Tanzania and it has been lush.
In Tanga, northern Tanzania I made friends with a Tanzanian rasta man named Mashaka. He worked down the local yacht (a word which africans cannot pronounce to save their lives) club in proper copplestone-perry fashion and managed to get me aboard a Belgium Eric's dhow, a traditional african fishing boat. We went out all afternoon, i steered and tacked and everything. Mashaka got a kid to deliver a fish on his bike to the hotel. Cooked it in the kitchen with tomatos and onion, very tasty dish.
North of Mombasa I had a go at fishing. Fished from a restaurant on the water and spent the day 'reeling off'?? not so good with all the terminology and drinking very many (too many) Tuskers (BEER). I caught a little white snapper, very proud moment and a very tasty fish.
Lastly, met up with Nick, Anna (Nick's sister) and Dave and sepnt 6 days in another of the Kenyan Wood's beautiful houses at a beach called Tiwi on the south coast of Kenya. It was pretty much paradise, beautifully designed huge house with 4 double rooms, white sand palm tree'ed beach, swimming pool + slide, caves with bats for our last meal and an immense cook to cook us the most delicious meals. The menu included fresh tropical fruit salads, curries, pizza, quiche, I'm sure a lot of you will be uninterested by this list of food but it literally was amazing. Had red snapper (didn't look or taste like a goldfish mum) caught and delivered fresh.
Sadly we had to leave Tiwi, took a mammouth journey all the way to Zanzibar. Just about to go exploring and hunt out a perfect bar for all the football to come.
Love Copplejiwe x