Friday, 30 April 2010



So I'm going out into the big wide world tomorrow. I finished at Parsons Brinckerhoff and the Hope and Anchor last week after working 50 hour weeks by the end, my bag is (almost) packed and it's started raining just in time for me to leave Bristol. In proper Copplestone tradition I have been organised enough to create this blog and will be keeping you all informed of my little expedition.

Anyway I won't write to much now as nothing has actually happened yet. I've scanned in a copy of a little drawing I did for Mum of the route I'm thinking of taking. It's drawn ever so slightly out of scale but should give you a rough idea of the journey.

Ever since I watched that 'gap yah' clip on youtube I've become increasingly paranoid of how I might be perceived on this big old trip of mine. Lets just hope I manage not to chunder absolutely everywhere and stick to public toilets instead.

Love Grace